Spray paint, screen printing, Myler, drafting paper, 23.4" × 33.1"

In this series of work, I look at mapping as an additive process. Mapping the accumulated layers and inscriptions in the land fabric. The change overtime is revealed in the resemblance of palimpsests. The palimpsests are evident in the maps that have been produced and reproduced to delineate the Israeli and the West Bank and Gaza territories. The palimpsest is also evident in the architecture of the Israeli occupation that builds on top of the demolished, the removed and the evacuated. The landscape shows traces of what used to be and what is continuously in the process of becoming. I use the palimpsest as a method to overlay, overwrite and overprint maps in an effort to reveal a continuous shift in borders and point at an ongoing occupation.

*Palimpsest is a very old document on which the original writing has been erased and replaced with new writing. Or something that has changed over time and shows evidence of that change.


Exploration 1

Exploration 2

Exploration 3